Teach, what you enjoy…
- Language, math, science
- Art, craft, music, dance...
- Ideas, knowledge, stories
- Books and other resources
SOACH seeks to connect different members of society from children and women, to schools, creative professionals, scientists, farmers, panchayat members and craft persons in a dialogue of creative growth and self sufficient, vibrant livelihoods.
Yet, there is a large gap that needs to be bridged to be abl to empower the less privileged. The resources needed to achieve this are limitless and even a small drop in this vast ocean is welcome.
There is a large gap that needs to be bridged if we wish to empower the vulnerable and less privileged. The resources needed to achieve this are limitless and even a small drop in this vast ocean is welcome.
Contributions can come in many ways
- Volunteering
- Assisting in Research & Documentation
- Assisting in Administration
- Raising Funds and Sponsorships
- Financial Contributions
- Contribution of Material Resources